Saturday, 13 August 2011

Recent Purchases:

£14.99, H&M 

£5, H&M 

 £1.50, primark

£10, primark 

 £4, primark

 £4, primark

 £5, primark sale

 £5, H&M

 £2, primark

 £2, primark

 (leggings) £6, primark

£1.99, H&M 

£3, primark

I'm sorry for this being quite a hefty post, i ended up buying quite a lot the other day as you can see! My favourite things have got to be the two graphic t-shirts from H&M, i was honestly in shock when i saw them! You know when you're shopping and you see an item that perfect that you just stand still and stare at it for a while? Or maybe that's just me.. 
i really love all the jewelry as well. It's been ages since i've bought any as i can never be bothered with the queue's purely to buy a little ring or something, but these 3 items are all lovely, i haven't had the bracelet off my wrist since i bought it! 


  1. these are all so lovely, very jealous! i especially like the purple skirt and dream catcher top from primark! xx

  2. wow, just found your blog and love it ! i love the first top and the bracelet from primark ! may have to venture to my local store for these.
    i am now following, i hope you can follow back.

  3. stumbled across your blog after searching Doncaster on lookbook- im from there aswell :)
    really enjoy reading your blog x

  4. the loafers are nice! I have them in (fake) suede from the primark too!
