Tuesday, 27 March 2012

27.03.12 -outfit of the day

Tee: £2.99, charity
Shorts: £3.50, charity
Sunnies: 50p, primark
Eeeeeeh! Sun = happy kerry, and also minimal clothes/no jackets/ looking skinnier because of less layers which also = happy kerry. This is my new all time favourite tee, and i have worn it every day at some point for the past 5 days (it's been washed in between i promise!) Love the shape, love the pattern, love the price! I also picked up some other bits this weekend so i'll be sure to get some snaps of them soon! 
Also got the instagram widget for my blog yday, so now you can see all my snaps down the right hand side (mostly of myself, vain vain vain), and also i need people to follow! So let me know your usernames if you have instagram too :) 
That's it for tonight folks, chilling watching Perez Hilton superfan atm after eating much too food at the bbq earlier, of the woes of having a brother who's a chef


  1. love your top, you look lush :) xx

  2. amazing top!!

  3. I love that top!! your style is amazing :) xxx

  4. i really love the top!! i love the galaxy look!! its so rare but so cool!

