Tuesday, 28 February 2012

28.02.12 -outfit of the day

Shirt: £2.99, charity
Tshirt: £6, primark
Shorts: £3, charity
Satchel: £3, charity
Wearing this tonight to go to meadowhall late night shopping (indoor shopping = don't need to wear a jacket!, i will put tights on though, i'm not that brave). Really love this shirt, i got it from a charity shop about a month ago and i just always want to wear it haha! Love this tee as well, the breakfast club is such a fab movie it'd be a shame not to honour it through clothing!
Been at school all day today, starting practical in product design (making a vintage stool!), so i'll get a photo when it's done, and also cracking on with my art work so that's always fun! Hope y'all have a nice evening! xoxo 


  1. great posts! (previous ones as well)
    you have an amazing style, girl! xx

  2. Just found this blog on the forum of Lookbook and i can tell, it's a really good one :) Particularly love your outfit on those pictures :)
    If you want we can follow each other :p

    xoxo, Marta
